Broken Link Checker: Definition, Working and Need for the Same


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Broken links adversely affect internet businesses by questioning their integrity and the ranking and usability of the concerned website. Thus they need to be quickly found and removed. However, with the help of a broken link checker, these broken links can be easily found and removed. 

Work of a broken line checker

This is generally used as an umbrella term to refer to a set of tools which can be effectively used to solve the problem of broken links by:

  • Identifying the problem,
  • Fixing the concerned affected backlink,
  • Turning them into quality backlinks and
  • Strengthening the backlink profile of the concerned website.

These checkers generally work by generating reports regarding the presence of broken links or dead links when a website address is an input in the relevant space given. Once the report is generated and the presence of backlinks confirmed, the website owner can easily reclaim them either by:

  • Setting up the 301 redirects which will patch the broken link to another webpage in the same URL or
  • Restoring the WebPages which are missing. 

These checkers also look for broken outbound links present on a website so that they can be sorted out before they too start affecting the business adversely.

Need for a broken link checker

Normally when a website is small and contains a few WebPages only, it is easy to keep a check on broken links. But over a period of time, the WebPages keep increasing as does the hyperlinks used in them. Thus keeping a track manually becomes a problem and the use of this checker makes it very easy to identify these broken links.  In fact, these checkers are also used by companies involved in website auditing and monitoring like the Hexometer

These checkers are generally free of cost, easy to handle, does not limit the number of searches and in order to avail its benefits, there is also no registration charges which are applicable. This makes it a very popular tool which is used by website owners and webmasters and also by SEO professionals to develop a thorough and effective system free from flaws.


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