5 Signs You Need To Change Your Payroll Software For Good


No matter how big or small an organization is, employers always try to switch to modern and advanced ways of performing functions with ease and efficiency. The corporate sector made a similar adoption with the advent in technology that resolved one of the most intricate processes in any workflow – Payroll Processing. Employees work day and night to earn unerring and timely wages at the end of every month. So, accounting to the fact that it demands high performance and productivity, there are a number of features that you cannot compromise in your Payroll Software. When you have already invested time and energy to search and implement this automation tool for a progressive HR management, why not keep it up to the mark?

Thus, it is extremely important to keep an eye on the working features and other execution factors of your Payroll Management Software. There is no need to stick to an old and shagged out apparatus and rather realize early when it is time for a change.

Here is a list of 5 scenarios which give you a clear hint to change or replace this vital part of one of the many HR enhancement implementations:

The Software Is Outdated

Updates and amendments from the regulatory authorities should be incorporated in the system regularly. Failing this, your payroll management activities might get adversely affected and you could also invite unwanted trouble. The software must be compliant to the latest labour laws and employment norms so that there is no discrepancy, thereby enabling smooth payroll services for the HR professionals as well as employees. Besides, it is to be ensured that the software is updated as per the most recent technology. If your payroll system lacks any of these features, replace it straight away!

Keeps Crashing, Inviting Expenses

After many advancements and modifications, the kind of HRMS Software India has been developing is now all-inclusive and robust. But sometimes because of mistakes during development, wrong installation or handling, over usage, missed upgrade or just being an old purchase, the software keeps crashing again and again. This leads to multiple services and ultimately incurs humongous repair costs. If it is so, avoid the pain and just get yourself a brand new and trouble-free payroll simplifier that it is.

Creates Too Many Errors

After a certain point, when any technology is worn out, it starts making errors. Same goes for the Payroll Software that has been installed for many years in a system. Sooner or later, it starts making mistakes everywhere, be it adhering to the checklists, matching attendance or salary break up, every section starts to trouble. You just cannot ignore the glitches and keep expecting your employees to pay the price for it. So, in order to steer clear of the erring and underperforming payroll solution, it is advisable to switch to a more efficient one.

Poor Efficiency And Productivity

Now, this is where your payroll will really be really badly affected. In fact, it is not about the payroll area, but every equipment/ technology/ mechanism that you employ in your workflow cannot be accepted if it is not efficient and productive. With calculated budgets, you always expect maximum output through minimum input. So, in case the product is not really doing the job, say bye-bye and bring in a replacement as soon as possible.

Too Much Manual Intervention

Despite the fact that technology has reached its peak, humans will always be superior. After all, we are the creators of it! Every machine needs a human hand to operate it, but if more than 50% of the time you have to intervene, what’s the point of employing a machine in the first place? Hence, whenever you notice that your Payroll Software needs manual inputs more than required, and isn’t really justifying automation, you have to opt for a new one.

In addition to updating your payroll software, you may need to invest in a time clock app. Without it, employee time tracking information may be incorrect, which leads to inaccurate payroll processing. This can lead to significant fines and hurt employee morale.

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