Best Choices for the Perfect Computer Networking


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In order to ensure the proper functioning of its IT equipment, an SME must surround itself with an effective and trusted IT service provider. It is not always easy to find a successful company, which offers services tailored to your needs, while remaining affordable rates.

To effectively choose your IT provider, different criteria will have to be taken into account. To help you in this process, here are some points to remember when choosing. With computer networking and technical support in Seneca you can find the best options now.

How to choose your IT provider?

Choosing an IT Provider: Identifying Needs

You will have to identify at first precisely what are your needs for your computer park (computers, network, storage, software, security).

A company that will meet your needs in your sector

IT firms are usually specialized in some areas of business, while others do not. This notion is important in order to have at your disposal the skills of a person who knows the specific issues related to your sector of activity. Whether you are in the hotel business, manager of an e-commerce store or health player, your issues will not be the same.

List your needs

Before contacting the companies you have identified, it is recommended to list the expected services. As an IT provider, we can offer you many solutions such as:

  • The configuration of your computers
  • Establishment of a corporate internal computer network
  • Ensure the backup of your data
  • Secure your computer park 
  • Set up remote maintenance
  • Perform an IT maintenance service
  • Pilot a specific computer project
  • Computer assistance
  • Computer consulting
  • Inventory management of computer hardware

Computer audit of your park

We can accompany you to help you list your specific needs. You may also want to ask yourself some questions that will help you build an exhaustive list:

  • Do you need preventive, curative or complete outsourcing maintenance?
  • Do you need a backup solution for your internal or external data (on the servers of your provider)?
  • Do you need to install or upgrade your local network?
  • Do you have all your equipment and software or do you need to be supplied by your service provider?
  • Would you like to have a cloud computing service?

These questions are not always exhaustive and may change over time. At the right service, we offer computer services on demand, which perfectly adapt to your needs.

From this list of needs, you will be able to look for a provider with technical skills that can meet your needs.

A local or national IT provider?

Some providers operate in a small geographic market. This can be interesting for companies with a unique local presence.

As soon as one intervenes on a larger territory (regional, national), or that one has several agencies, it is necessary to identify a computer service provider able to intervene on all the equipment.

At the right company they offer remote interventions as soon as possible to ensure high availability of your equipment, regardless of their location. The intervention of a technician is sometimes essential, especially for the deployment of new equipment. To do this, we are developing a regional branch network to always act as close as possible to your equipment.

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