Best Ways to Make your Internet Connection Truly Unlimited


With the rising usage of internet in almost every sphere of life, there is always a technical war going on between the technologists who are trying to make it more accessible, usable and affordable, and the service providers to whom internet service is a means that should earn them a decent living. In between are the users who are falling prey to this arguable phenomenon and are still not getting a standing that can be said as stable. With advertisements that reads offer like unlimited internet Montreal allure them, convince them and persuade them to subscribe to their unlimited service, which they eventually agree to, but are these “unlimited internet” offers are “unlimited” in its true sense? Let us analyze.

The Current Scenario

Today most of the residential and mobile internet services are advertised as “unlimited” by the service providers, but if you take a look at the terms and conditions of these packages, you are most likely to find strict data limits on their data usage, crossing which it is liable to cost an extra amount of money failing which the connection will be discontinued. This is called Data caps.

The Story of Data Capping

Data capping is the chain of limit that the service providers issue on their customers and which is still a lingering pain for internet users. At the same time, we can understand the plight of the service providers who can’t afford to provide us with unlimited amount of data without a cost. This is because firstly they are service providers and not social volunteers who are doing a philanthropic social work. They serve us to earn a living, and the only way for them is to put up a cost for using the extra amount of data that each user exhausts up in a month.

On the other side, as users do pay for a service, they do not like their usage to be throttled especially when the monitoring of data usage is never easy. So here’s how you yourself can enjoy a truly unlimited internet plan.

Use the Data Saver Tool from Google

The first constraint each internet user faces is knowing their data usage when the internet is used in a flow. For example while streaming a video, browsing for a particular information or playing an online game. But with the help of the data saver tool from Google, you can set your electronic devices to a data limit that will create an alert for you whenever you are about to cross the set limit of data.

Disable the Auto-Play Option

Who doesn’t use the social media platforms today? And when you are on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube the videos will start playing automatically in your news feed without your knowledge and eat up your precious data. The best way to stop this involuntary drainage of data is to disable the auto-play option that will not start playing the news feed videos, unless you specifically play them.

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