How Chatbots and AI are revolutionizing the Medical industry


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At SnatchBot we have seen so many fast changes in the world of AI and Remote Medical Coding Companies. Today, let’s discuss what is happening in the medical industry:

New technologies are emerging almost daily. Many of the things which we are now taking for granted would have seemed like rocket science two or three decades ago. Using the Internet has also changed significantly since it was first introduced three decades ago. Nowadays when you open a webpage everything possible is done to make a person feel welcome on that website. People are increasingly encountering artificial intelligence in the form of sophisticated chatbots that will continue to assist a visitor to the website. These amazing chatbots are able to introduce themselves and then to inquire how they may be able to assist the visitor. Most people visiting websites are now used to this phenomenon and very few will actually take time to consider the fact that they are dealing with an artificial intelligence entity and not with a real human being.

Remember the 286 PC

What is clearly evident is the fact that we have come a long way since the first prehistoric computers have been built. Since then other technologies have emerged such as natural language processing and also machine learning. These two technologies are the foundation on which chatbots are now functioning. It provides them with the tools which are needed to have intelligent conversations with human beings. With every passing day, they are becoming more responsive, they are gaining in intelligence and slowly but surely they are starting to sound more like humans every day. You must remember that the modern chatbot is only the tip of the iceberg but behind it is sophisticated hardware and software systems with access to extraordinary amounts of user data. Because of the speed of those systems all information which is required by the chatbot is available almost instantly. This is making chatbots the perfect solution for a whole range of tedious and repetitive tasks for which a human being is simply not suited. Where human beings have to take time off to rest and to tend to their families, chatbots do not have such basic needs. They will simply continue to do the same tedious tasks day and night all year round. This is exactly why they are perfectly suited to be implemented in the medical healthcare industry.

Chatbots can monitor patients 24 hours a day

They are already many examples of how chatbots assist people with advanced cancer and other illnesses. They are very effective when it comes to reminding the patient to take their medication. They will frequently ask the patient how they are and how they feel at that moment. They are very successful in keeping the patient alert and in helping them to focus. Especially those patients who are living alone can really benefit from having someone around who can at least talk to them even if it’s only a chatbot. It is so easy to get depressed when it seems that no one cares. Chatbots have proven themselves to be the perfect caretakers. In clinical trials, it has been proven that chatbots are more than able to do things which are mostly accomplished by tier-1 patient healthcare professionals. It is entirely possible to add a chatbot to the social media platform which is used by a patient. Almost no coding is necessary and such an application will continue to serve the patient efficiently without tiring or tiring bored. This provides the patient with instant access to their healthcare system and with access to their physician and other necessary healthcare systems.

There is a wide variety of medical chatbots available today

Some of the systems which are used will make use of text as a communications medium. There are also chatbots who are fully able to have a normal communication and who can communicate with speech. Increasing numbers of patients are today assisted by chatbots and these devices are more than able to check the symptoms of a patient and they can even determine mood swings. Chatbots are helping both the patient and their physician and in fact, it will continue to update the physician on the condition of the patient. A large number of elderly people are today making use of chatbots and as far as female patients are concerned chatbots is used to monitor reproductive wellness among woman.


Artificial intelligence and chatbots will continue to contribute to the healthcare industry and there is no doubt that they will be increasingly used. This is because these systems are completely reliable, they are very accurate, and they never lose concentration no matter how long they had been functioning. All of this is very important as far as efficient patient care is concerned. We certainly have interesting times ahead of us as far as artificial intelligence and chatbots are concerned.

Suggested reading: Avi Ben Ezra on TGDaily. Follow me on Newstrail.

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