Chatbots can connect artists and consumers


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Looking at the current technology challenges and solving them:

Apparently, the process to share music on social media is something which is not easily accomplished. The problem is not with posting and promoting but rather to ensure that your supporters will be able to see those posts. Only when posts are accessible will people be able to act on them. There are many problems such as constantly changing algorithms and also the kind of content which is popular is constantly changing. This is resulting in a situation where the newsfeed is increasingly unreliable. This makes it difficult to make people conscious of your latest release. It has been seen that people are making increasing use of messenger app in order to make one-on-one contact with followers and supporters possible. Messenger apps are very powerful because the Facebook messenger alone already has over 1.2 billion users all across the planet. The results are now even better since the introduction of chatbots which is widely used as a substitution when engaging with supporters. The results which have been obtained in this way has been extraordinary.

Looking at some statistics

People who have been making use of technologies such as messenger bot have discovered that they are 5 times more efficient than traditional email marketing. This is why one can expect that chatbots will be increasingly used as a primary communications medium and it will continue to be preferred over email. Many artists are now also taking notice of the opportunities which is provided by chatbots. Increasing numbers of these people are now starting to enjoy the benefits of chatbots, especially when interacting with their supporters. Many successful artists and groups are now launching their own chatbots. The primary purpose is to improve the interaction with Facebook followers. Many people were surprised by the effectiveness of chatbots which had seen open rates of over 95%. The benefit of chatbots is that it allows artists to centralize all of the important information. They have been able to provide easy to navigate links which is able to take supporters to those things which are of interest to them. Because of chatbots, artists are able to interact more effectively with all of their loyal supporters. Chatbots can provide supporters with current information about their activities and plans.

A more comprehensive service

When it comes to information sharing marketers and companies often had to rely on the question and answer type answers in order to satisfy their supporters. Now that artists have access to chatbots things is a lot easier. Whenever a new track is released it is possible to share that information with supporters instantly. As more technologies become available messenger bots is becoming more powerful. This is why storytelling is something which is providing powerful opportunities. The reality is that for the last four years’ users have been making use primarily of messaging apps to communicate and interact. The objective is obvious, in order to get in contact with your supporters you need to be where they are. Chatbots provide you with the perfect way to make one-on-one contact with all of those supporters. This makes it possible to let them know what is happening and to inform them about new releases. Chatbots can also be used to sell your music to them as well as tickets to shows and other artist-related merchandise.

The evidence is conclusive

Messaging apps is extremely effective because their excellent open rate. A response can be expected within minutes after a message has been uploaded. This can provide the artist with many benefits because as soon as a new track has been shared they can expect an immediate response. There are also many other benefits. Newsfeeds are no longer as effective as they were before. At this point in time, there is simply too much content floating around online. Algorithms are used in order to prioritize family and friends over businesses. This might be good news for friends and family but for artists, this is not good because only a small number of your supporters will be able to see your updates in the newsfeed. Engagement numbers will even be lower and far in between. Although many people will sign up in order to receive information and updates from an artist, statistics show that approximately 2% will be able to receive those updates and information.

Newsfeeds are quickly becoming outdated

At one point or another newsfeed might completely cease to exist. The best way to communicate is by one on one messaging. This is the only channel which is providing uninterrupted interaction between supporters and the artist. When a supporter is connecting on messenger this allows those supporters to subscribe to information and news directly. Supporters have already indicated their willingness to receive those updates from artists. The 90% rate is proof that this is the way how supporters want to interact. It is frequently seen across the industry that messenger has become the preferred method in order to share content and increase traffic. It must be understood that messaging is about considerably more than sharing text. Technology is now allowing for better forms of communication such as storytelling. This is providing artists with many great opportunities. There are many people who are trying to make too much of chatbots too soon. These technologies are often used to mimic the artist and it frequently happens that the chatbot fails to succeed.

Identifying the current limitations

Everyone knows that natural language processing has come a long way, but it is not perfect yet. There are many supporters who are looking for a personal connection with their favorite artist. They simply do not want a robot substitute. There are other possibilities which can make the interaction more personal. The majority of supporters will always prefer face-to-face interactions with the artist. This does not necessarily mean that using a chatbot have to be less personal. For that artist who does decide to make use of a chatbot, they should attempt to customize it so that it becomes an expression of their brand. Special attention must be paid to the story which will be told by that chatbot. This can make the whole process a lot more effective and satisfactory especially for your supporters.

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