Choosing the Best Goal for Making the Video Ads

When the goal is to promote its offer (this is the purpose of this article), it is better to stay in course formats, 1min30 for example. And you’ll see, it’s not easy to limit yourself but you have to stick to it.
If you are accompanied by an agency, it can help you build the effective scenario for your goal in the allotted time. If you do it internally, it will be necessary to put the scenario (do not hesitate to think about several to have different points of view). The video ad templates can surely become useful here.
Get To The Point, Stay Simple
In any case, whatever the scenario and duration of the video, stay simple. The video has to get right to the point: that is, it must fulfill your objective and capture the attention of the people watching it.
Work On The Image Of His Video
If you’re doing a video internally, think about audio-visual creation best practices.
- The rule of thirds, which consists of cutting the image into 9 parts and placing the subject of attention at the intersection of two lines:
- third rule video
- Master the different plans: American plan, Italian plan, close-up. Try to respect these plans for a better visual rendering.
- If you do not master 100% video making, prefer still shots and avoid sweeps. The rendering will be more professional by chaining different fixed shots.
Do Not Forget The Sound
The sound will play a vital role, often forgotten in amateur videos, yet it has a key role. Remember to equip yourself with microphone for recording. If the recording is done outside, remember to equip your microphone with a rycote to avoid having a bad sound because of the wind:
In the same way the light will be important, it is she who will create the atmosphere and will give a natural aspect or worked according to the need. Natural or artificial, the lighting must be carefully reflected.
The Assembly
After shooting, editing
It will bring to life the various rushes you have made during the shoot. It must be dynamic and brought to the goal that you have set. You will need Adobe Premiere or Final Cut editing software if you are a editing pro if you are a beginner.
Think About Subtitling
Whether it’s in transportation, on Facebook or elsewhere, I do not know if you’ve noticed, but nowadays we often watch videos on the go and without sound. It is therefore essential to provide subtitling to maintain a good understanding of the video regardless of the viewing conditions.
Working The Sound Universe
Beyond the sound itself during the recording, once you arrive at the editing, think about working on the sound universe of your video.
Start by optimizing the sound of your video so that everything is intelligible and optimized. Add background sounds if needed and think about choosing a background music that will give a dynamism to your video.
Do not forget to choose music free of right so you do not have a problem. Music can, for example, be downloaded for a few dollars on Audio Jungle.