Construction Technology Innovations Improving Productivity on the Job


Technology innovations have had a significant impact on all industries. For instance, the retail industry has taken advantage of technology to deliver quality products and services to their industry regardless of their location.

The construction industry has also not been left behind. Nowadays, construction companies are utilizing technology to improve productivity on the job site. From simple tools that did not exist 100 years ago, like cement mixer trucks and modern hydraulic excavators, to software and mobile apps, there is no doubt that technology innovations are reshaping the construction industry.

Keep reading to discover four construction technology innovations that are improving productivity on the job site.

Understanding Construction Technology

According to the construction industry institute, construction technology refers to innovative tools, software, machinery, and modification. These innovative tools are used during construction to improve productivity and reduce injuries.

Construction technology innovations have continued to grow in popularity over the years. This explains the reason why several construction companies are investing heavily in construction technology innovations.

Below are the top construction technology innovations to improve productivity.

Technology Innovations Reducing Body Strain and Injury to Improve Productivity

The nature of the construction industry exposes construction workers to various body injuries and strain. According to OSHA, construction workers are susceptible to strains and sprains, which can lead to severe musculoskeletal conditions of the hips, necks, legs, and hands.

These conditions can affect the productivity of employees and even reduce their mobility in the future. Some of the conditions that site workers are exposed to include carpal tunnel syndrome due to the repeated bending of the wrists and Raynaud’s syndrome caused by vibrating hand tools.

The good news is that industry experts have turned to technology to develop long-lasting solutions to protect workers from such conditions. From simple innovations like using a speed bump to control traffic flow to advanced solutions like the production of lighter construction equipment, construction companies are spoilt for choice when it comes to keeping their workers safe.

Project Organization Software

Yes, you had it right. Project organization software can also be used on a construction site. Although several site owners have not started to use this software, those who have started using it have started to experience massive changes.

For instance, several users are already reporting that they can now save more than ten hours a week by encouraging collaborations. The good thing with these innovations is that they do not need prior training since most site workers are already familiar with iPads and smartphones. In addition to that, the proliferation of mobile devices has made it easier for workers to access various applications on their smartphones.

This was not possible in the past since workers could not carry large devices with short battery life to the site. Moreover, software developers are focusing on ease of use to reduce time-wasting and improve efficiency. They are also creating applications that enhance collaboration between site workers.

Clothes and Accessories

Nowadays, construction companies and workers can take advantage of wearable technology to improve productivity and job safety. For example, construction companies can use various accessories like Apple watches, Google glasses, and Fitbit wristbands to improve productivity by tracking workers and placing them in optimal positions.

Although this innovation is likely to face resistance from the site workers, it might be the most significant innovation yet, considering we have not seen considerable changes in the manufacture of construction safety apparel.

AI and Machine Learning

Another construction technology innovation that construction companies can turn to improve productivity is AI and machine learning. Artificial intelligence and machine learning allow construction companies to collect essential data that simplifies the decision-making process.

Moreover, construction companies can use data collected over the years to predict outcomes. Companies that use AI and machine learning have an advantage over their competitors when bidding and estimating various projects.

Besides, artificial intelligence and machine learning reduce the time employees waste by moving around to look for tools and retrieve materials. The use of sensors and artificial intelligence also makes it easy to track employees.

The collected data allows for better site placement and reduced downtime. Construction companies can also combine robots and artificial intelligence with improving productivity by monitoring progress.

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