If you have a niche for writing and need to earn some extra bucks, well, there is one attractive opportunity for you. Most of the websites online offer lucrative freelance options under the theme of content writing. Sadly, not all are as reliable as they claim to be. Most of the times, the writer is tricked into writing long genuine articles and blog posts, and is either paid very little or not paid at all.  Hence, we have curated a list of top 5 sites that will pay you the deserving amount for all your writing agenda. Go ahead. Read along

  • Contentmart

One of the most reliable content writing sites available as of today is Contentmart. This place has a lot more to offer than a fully secure paid writing work. It opens you to a plethora of writing services and you can easily choose your best genre and go ahead with the bidding.  If the client is happy with your profile, he will definitely hire you. Post successful completion of the project, the client transfers the amount to your account on Contentmart.

  • Upwork

Another top freelance writing site is upwork which holds extremely significant importance considering the wide variety of clients available on the site. However, the procedure to get started might often prove quite cumbersome. It however offers lucrative payments for the top freelance writers and if you have got the zeal, you can definitely make it to the top of the ladder of success.

  • Freelancer

One of the oldest freelancing sites, there is a complete genre of freelance writing in here. All you need to do is to simply choose your niche, purchase some credit balance to start bidding on the orders published by the respective clients. If the client selects you for the work, you can very well get ahead with the order. It is quite easy to grab an order amongst the wide variety of works published and get paid for the same.

  • Developer Tutorials

This is an amazing platform for those interested in tech niche. All you need to do is to submit your tutorials on anything from programming to web design solution and get paid for the same. It also provides extensive back links to your blog, which sort of serves for an added benefit for the blogger in you.

  • Constant Content

One cannot find a more serious marketplace for freelance writers than constant content. Though the editorial process is quite strict, yet the top freelance writers can demand top dollars for their articles, given the fact that content is so mature. However, you have to be flawless in your writing skills to be of that much value to the corresponding customer as well to the writing marketplace in the very first place.

So why wait? Sign up for these sites and start writing your heart out. Of course, you will get paid as well! Thank us later!

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