Digital Marketing: A Growth Sector in a Declining Job Market

Areas to seek employment in as we recover from 2020.
We are all still facing the Covid-19 economy meltdown from last year. Businesses everywhere are closed for good, and millions have been pushed online to the new world, the digital one. The digital advertising sector has displayed steady growth for the past few years. Better yet, it shows no sign of slowing, despite Covid-19.
For the last few years digital marketing has been steadily outgrowing its parent, traditional marketing means on TV and Radio. With costs per click being what they are nowadays, who wants the expense of TV ads anymore? The future is definitely digital, but how will that affect the future of marketing?
The Job Market in the UK
As of the end of the second quarter of business in 2021, the UK jobs market was looking a little bit better than it had been. With the prospect of a full re-opening on the horizon, pubs, restaurants, and nightclubs are all looking for new staff. While the service sector might be experiencing a temporary boom, it’s nothing on the losses experienced over the past 18 months. Some businesses will never recover.
If we turn our attention to the internet-based roles, we see a completely different pattern from that which has graced the real world. Where everything closed in the physical world, the digital one experienced a massive boost. Every business whose doors were closed suddenly wanted to be able to trade through a website. They needed upgrades, rewrites, extra features. The digital world was in full stride while other jobs tapered off.
Growth Job Areas in the Coming Months
As we start to get back to business as it was before, we can expect various scenarios to play out. The first, that bar staff and restaurant workers are going to lift a lot of people out of the financial slump they have been placed into over the last few months. It may not be glamorous work, but both retail and food and drink will need low paid workers to get back on their feet.
If we turn our attention to the digital world, IT is going to continue to be as strong in growth as it has been over the last few months. Its importance has skyrocketed due to more people get online and Work from Home. There are some brilliant sites out there where you can upload your CV (such as Hays IT Jobs) and attract employers based off your skill set, instead of the other way around.
Asides from digital marketing and advertising, we will see growth in the other end of the technology sector: the creation end. The great laptop shortage of last year has taught us that we are all underprepared for such things happening again. Now everyone is stocking up on devices of superior quality, so we are seeing growth there, too. If you are able to design new technology, you could make a tidy profit in the years to come.
Emerging from a Pandemic Stricken Economy
All in all, the next few months are going to heavily focus on lifting ourselves out of this pandemic-stricken slump. IT will take time and we can expect slow growth on all fronts. One day soon, though, we will be able to put 2020 behind us.