Every School Today Needs a Laser Cutter and Engraver


When a person thinks of laser cutters and engravers in an educational institute, they likely think of students learning to use these machines. Doing so gives them a head start on their career and may allow them to build a network they can turn to when they graduate. In addition to benefiting student learning, these machines are of great help to the school. Once it has been purchased, the school can handle many tasks that previously had been turned over to a third-party provider. What are some tasks a school may carry out in-house with the help of a laser cutter and engraver?


Schools give out awards regularly. For example, sports teams often receive trophies or participation medals for their hard work on the playing field. A school might give trophies and medals to spelling bee participants or those taking part in an art or science fair. Once a school obtains a laser cutter and engraver, they can have students create these awards rather than sending them out to have the work done. This may lead to an increase in awards for students, which all are certain to appreciate.

School Spirit

Students love to share their school spirit and schools need to benefit from this. Using a laser cutter and engraver, schools can create and customize tchotchke. This includes rubber stamps, varsity letters, clothing, pencils, mugs, and more. When the school creates these items rather than purchasing them, they make a better profit. This money can then be funnelled into the purchase of additional laser cutters and engravers or other items the school might need.


Thanks to the global pandemic, children across the world made the move to virtual learning. To ensure children had access to computers, schools in America opted to invest in laptops for home use. Lynchburg City Schools used this opportunity to brand their schools and save money at the same time.

At one time, the school system sent the laptops out to be marked with the name and logo before they were distributed through the school’s technology program. This ensures the laptops can easily be identified if lost or stolen. They then opted to use the school’s laser cutter to carry out the task. Many individuals were surprised to learn using the school’s laser cutter led to significant cost savings.

In fact, engraving the laptops in previous years cost more than they spent to purchase one laser cutter and engraver. As the need for laptops increased during the pandemic, the cutter was used more leading to greater cost savings. Furthermore, the process took less time to complete and children received their devices faster.

Look around any school today and see the different ways a laser cutter and engraver could be used on a daily basis. When school administrators recognize the cost, savings achieved by purchasing a cutter rather than having the projects carried out by a third party, they’ll want to invest in several cutters. Learn more about Boss Laser and the products it offers, as one or more will be perfect for your school.

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