Finding the Right Options for the Right Financial Deals


The founder of a financial advice platform who retired at the age of 52, after accumulating a net worth of three million dollars, wrote probably the most complete and useful financial hygiene guide I have ever read. Business Insider, the site that publishes these tips, gives only one detail about the anonymous sage: he has the code name ESI and publishes articles on ESI Money, a blog about financial independence. And ESI comes from Earning, Saving and Investing. You can visit Freddie Cammell’s website for a proper option now.

ESI does not necessarily say new things, but the simplicity and frankness of its advice have an almost therapeutic effect. For example, his last recommendation, the tenth (it was easy to guess, we are dealing with a Decalogue) tells us not to trust financial consultants and to take care of our own money, because no one cares more. Of them than ourselves. ESI believes that the great skill of many consultants is to turn our money into their own money.

Valuable Details

The management of personal expenses is an essential point of the Decalogue: “no matter how much you earn, you can spend everything”. And the example of athletes and actors who have gone bankrupt by billionaires is extremely relevant. The average annual income of an American household is close to $ 52,000, and the average fortune of the same household is $ 80,000. A not very simple calculation shows us that, over the course of 40 years, a US household saves only $ 310 a year. The rest of the money is spent. A similar thing is happening, whose growth engine (primary or, as the case may be, secondary) is consumption. Statistics tell us that the average wealth of a household amounts to 11,000 euros, while the savings are only 36 euros per year, at an average income of 8,600 euros.

  • Returning to the example of the United States, small annual savings can work wonders for decades. If a family sets aside $ 5,000 a year in four decades, it will raise $ 1.3 million at an annual investment rate of 8%. Whoever saves 10% a year from what he earns can accumulate a lifelong fortune. ESI’s personal rule is to invest 36% of all personal earnings.

The factual Choices

In fact, his entire Decalogue reveals the importance of details or, in a blunt expression, takes the family budget for a small fee. This logic includes the recommendation that a household pay attention to high expenditures and, equally, to low expenditures. Reducing the number of packs of cigarettes or coffees consumed in a year can have unexpected effects over several decades.

“Give up loans” is advice in the same area. “Debt is a killer of personal finances,” says the young retiree who became a millionaire without going through the purgatory of entrepreneurship. Money paid on interest can make a substantial contribution to increasing personal wealth.


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