Food Inspector Agency Worker Fired After Water Cooler Spiked


This Ottawa food inspection agency worker will definitely need the Los Angeles online reputation management company after this incident. This agency worker got fired after water cooler was spiked with chlorine. This was a public service employee for the government agency whom was responsible for the health and safety of Canada’s food supply who was fired after an office water cooler was spiked with chlorine bleach. Keven Knox was the employee who had lost his job after the water cooler in the basement loading dock of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s Carling Lab was contaminated in September 2011. Knox was terminated nine months after a co-worker reported a strong chlorine smell and very hard taste to the water that came from the cooler in his office. The co-worker then took the water to the supervisor who also noted the chlorine smell.

Later that day one of the employees had the idea of taking the water bottle home with him to test the concentration for chlorine by using a home swimming pool test kit. The test showed a high concentration of chlorine according to Norman. Two days after the chlorine was discovered the water showed a concentration of roughly 50 ppm. Norman then asked Knox if he had put bleach in the water or was working with bleach and he denied it. A video camera showed differently when Knox was seen carrying a bottle of chlorine bleach into his office and minutes later excited his office with the bottle returning with a new jug of water for the cooler.

One of the employees who initially drank the chlorine water said that people in the basement don’t really like each other to the government’s internal investigators. He put all of his employees health in jeopardy and was therefore fired for his actions and was eventually criminally charged but not found guilty at his trial.

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