Games Freelance Gamers Could Play

Freelance gamers have a plethora of choices of jobs they could do. That is one of the beauties of being a freelance gamer. One could go to streaming sites and play their favorite or newer games. Some could also have people hire them to play various online games to help them rank up or beat difficult and challenging bosses. There’s also a billion and one games you could choose to play from and earn money from. We’ll be talking about those games.
Mobile Legends
It’s pretty obvious that big games like League of Legends, DOTA, etc. are must play games so we’ll just be skipping over them and look at up and coming multiplayer games today. One of those games is Mobile Legends. Mobile Legends has been around for a while now but it is not as talked about as League of Legends. It is exclusive to mobile devices only unless you use an emulator.
It is a MOBA game but is less complicated than LoL and DOTA. Unlike the previously mentioned MOBA games where each hero has 4 skills, in ML each hero has 3 skills only with only a select few having 4 skills. It is a fun game you could play with friends and also get good at so you can have people hire you on Gank to help them rank up. You could even coach someone and teach them how to play and master a certain hero.
You could also do streams of this game where you try to rank up. A lot of people are doing it now. You could even post compilations of your brilliant plays. Look up Choou on YouTube and you’ll see how amazing he is at playing as Chou.
Call of Duty Mobile
Freelance gamers can play any Call of Duty game they want but some can’t afford a good PC or subscriptions that allow online play on consoles. This is where Call of Duty Mobile comes in. It is completely free with some in game purchases. Its graphics may not be as good as those in the consoles and PC, but it still gives you the experience of playing a Call of Duty game. It doesn’t have a story mode and is purely an online game.
You have different modes to play on and a variety of characters you could use. You’ve got Soap, Ghost, Adler, and many more beloved characters in different costumes as well. This is a good game to stream as well, especially if you’ve got fast hands.
Resident Evil
One of the most beloved franchises in gaming history. You could pretty much stream any main Resident Evil title and you’ll definitely have views in no time. That’s because a lot of people need tutorials on these games as well. Not just tutorials. A lot of people enjoy watching gamers getting jumpscared and Resident Evil has probably thousands of them in every game. It’s absolutely hilarious to see their eyes pop out and scream at the top of their lungs. Jumpscares aside, a lot of people who view playthroughs of Resident Evil games also seek to see the reaction of the player to certain moments in the game. RE games are very story driven as well which is one of the reasons why people love this franchise.
Believe it or not, Some Resident Evil games also have a multiplayer feature. Take Resident Evil 5 and 6 for example. You could play co-op locally or through online and play with other people, be it with strangers or those you invited. These games may not have ranked modes or anything like that but it is still fun to play nonetheless.