How To Block The IP Address Google Ads? And Know Its Need


Google Ads is the most sophisticated search platform in terms of targeting choices. Its IP-barring function is a lifesaver with the surge of click fraud in Google Ads. PPC fraud, also known as click fraud or ad fraud, occurs when your sponsored links obtain clicks that are not genuine. These clicks might get generated by rivals, bots, click farms, or simply poor ad placement.

IP Address Blocking in Google Ads / AdWords

  1. Go to and sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Select “Settings” from the inner menu on the left.
  3. Choose the campaign in which you want to ban IP addresses.
  4. “IP Exclusions” (which gets buried under “Additional Settings”) should be selected.
  5. Enter the IP address to be blocked.
  6. Click “Save,” and the IP address gets now boycotted. These are the steps toblock ip google ads

Streamline Your Google Ads IP Filtering:

Manually blocking IP addresses in Google AdWords can be time-consuming, especially if you have numerous large campaigns. Manually typing every IP address into ten campaigns can be time-consuming and unpleasant.

Click fraud is caused by competitors clicking on adverts, bot traffic, and click farms, to name a few. Proactively detecting and blocking this traffic can increase ad reach and help your organisation expand quickly. In Google Advertising, the simplest method to accomplish. It is to add IP addresses to your exclusion list, which prevents traffic from those IP addresses from viewing ads. The block ip google ads is very important for every user.

Why Is It Necessary to Block IP Addresses?

Blocking an IP address is a severe measure, but it’s the best approach to keep your advertisements from being exploited. There are several reasons why you would wish to block an IP address.

Competitors/repetitive clicks:

If you see that a few IP addresses are consistently clicking your advertisements but not converting, and even better, if the IP address gets geographically situated in the same region as a competitor, you should immediately ban that IP address. Because you’re most likely bidding on the keywords, your opponent will know exactly how to trigger your ad’s appearance and will be able to click it.

Click farms and bot traffic:

Click farms or bot traffic take this a step further. These are for-hire services that provide clicking as a service on anything from social media accounts to PPC advertisements. In reality, these click farms and click bots freely advertise their services on the internet.

That is not all. Paid-to-Click sites (PTC) pay remote employees a few cents for each ad they knock or view, easy-to-hire bots that can inflate a publisher’s Adsense income, and bot traffic providers that offer to click your competitors down the search ranks.

Brand detractors:

Funny story: not everyone adores your company. It may be an ex-employee or someone who believed your service was subpar. Perhaps they dislike your advertising, or maybe you supported their rival soccer team? And consumers are becoming more aware that they may affect a business by engaging in their dirty protest in the form of click fraud. Consider Manchester United fans who organised a click fraud campaign against their club’s sponsors in response to the owner’s conduct.

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