How to Go from Novice to Pro Gamer in 4 Steps


How to Become a Professional Gamer and Get Paid! - Placeit Blog

Becoming a pro gamer is a dream for a lot of gamers, if not most. But we have to warn you right now, making it as a pro is a lot of work. Millions of gamers around the world have the same dream as you, and while many are called to get into that field, very few are chosen. It takes a combination of effort, dedication, and genuine investment in your career for you to even have a chance. And you do need to have supreme-level skills. Let’s take a look at how you can go from novice to pro gamer in 4 steps.

Get Pro-Level Gear

You will never be able to compete at a pro level if you don’t use the same level of gear as the pros. This is how it works for any field. Top players in every sport start with the best gear, whether it’s baseball, hockey, or figure skating, so you need to look at some of the basic gear you need and get the best you can afford.

There are three main pieces of gaming equipment all pro gamers use: a mechanical keyboard, a wired gaming mouse, and a gaming headset. A mechanical keyboard will be more precise, and comfortable, and allow you to set up macros. A wired gaming mouse will give you faster reaction times and more buttons for macros as well. And a headset will facilitate communication while allowing you to pick up sound clues from games. 

While you can’t skimp on a mouse and keyboard, you don’t have to overspend on the headset as you can find affordable ones that will give you everything that you need, such as these wireless gaming headphones deals.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The next step is getting as much practice as you can. Go on a server that is slightly under your level and start clocking in hours. We suggest that you start with a lower server, as they will always have players playing under their level. Going on a server at your level will make it harder for you to get practice. You want to practice your fundamentals and they need to become second nature. Only then can you start moving up.

Look for Bootcamps

Get involved with the local gaming community and see if you can find boot camps that you could join. These are the most powerful tool for any player who is trying to up their game. You’ll run practice drills and will be held accountable by your instructors. You’ll also get a chance to pick up tricks for other players.

Enroll in Local Tournaments

Once you feel like you’re competitive enough, you should start looking at tournaments in your area. Don’t take things too seriously at first. This is only for you to get experience. 

You might realize that you’re better or worse than what you really are. If you’re competitive, then this means that you’ll have to practice more. But if you aren’t, you will have to look at other options like gaming entertainment or accept that pro gaming is not for you.

Follow these tips and you’ll at least get a chance at competing at a pro level. This isn’t for everybody, but you might have what it takes, so assess your skills and see if getting there would be realistic.

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