How to manually determine Value of domain names?


The people who are into domain flipping, always think of this question- what is the actual price of domain name, they should ask? As per domaining standards, asking price is very much important for successful sale. Many deals struck in place due to high asking prices.

To manually calculate the exact value of domains, you need a manual Domain value calculator. Here you know How to calculate the exact appraisal value of a domain name.

Let’s consider you have a premium domain name and want to sell it, then how will you know how much your domain is worth? It is not an easy task to find out the price of a domain name. It requires so much mathematics to know the actual value. So, we are discussing here some of the factors which contribute to pricing of a domain name.

There are tools like semrush, Link Lifting and similarWeb which can tell the estimated organic traffic a domain gets. You can also try these tools.

  1. To know the exact traffic over a particular domain, you need Google Analytics which will tell you exact traffic you will get over the domain. You can check with high traffic domains
  2. The domain age is also a factor which affects the value of domain name. Search engines use it for calculation of trust and dependability of a website.
  3. The estimated revenue also affects the value of the domain. Moreover, domain sales history also affects the value like If previous sold price was high then it is of high value, If sold price was low then domain exact value calculator computes low value.
  4. Alexa is one of the most popular website trackers. It measures the site’s traffic and helps advertisers to see the true value of your domain name
  1. The total number of searches a domain has? The more the number of searches, the more will be the value of the domain. Moreover, the competition also matters a lot.
  2. The domain can also be seen from a business perspective. Some domains are having high searches but they are not meant for online business. so, be choosy while buying domain names.
  3. Google pagerank, Trust flow, Citiation flow, Domain authority, backlinks profile and Page authority is another determining factor of a domain’s worth.
  4. The past history of the domain also matters a lot. Suppose, Domain was previously ranking for many keywords. so, the manual value of the domain would be on a higher side.
  5. The more the quality backlinks, the more will be the manual value of domain, The more pages that search engines crawls, the better it is for a domain. So search engine visibility is another important factor for calculating a domain name value manually.
  6. Domain Branding- Social media visibility means visibility on Facebook, twitter etc, also helps to appraise your domains. Backlink count or the links that point to your domain from other websites shows the popularity of your site. Low but good quality backlinks are better than poor quality backlinks.
  7. The short, remember and pronounceable domains have good domain value.
  8. Top level domains are having more domain value specially .com domains. .Com > .Net > .Org.

These are points that will manually calculate the value of a domain name, The best Domain value calculator in the market as of now is Estibot Calculator.

If you still not satisfied with the manual exact appraisal value of any domain then you can even email me at- [email protected], we will tell you exact manual value of domain name. You can also comment below.

I hope above article on manual Domain value calculator will help you.

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