Where Should You Install the Radar Speed Display so as to Obtain the Best Data?


The simplest way to obtain the best data possible is by installing a radar speed display, but the leads will only be accurate when it is installed accurately for the sake of data collection. When it is used for calming traffic as the main purpose, the sign must be mounted in less than perfect locations. But when data collection is topping the priority charts, here are some tips by Traffic Logix to make sure that you are able to collect the most accurate data ever.

  1. Angle it down the road

For the most accurate results, the sign must always be aimed towards the vehicles about 500 feet down the road. In many cases, signs are angled too close which creates an issue where the radar is shooting across the road rather than down the road. This eliminates the pickup range and offers inaccurate readings. Also, ensure that the radar speed display is as near as safely possible to the road side so that the angle is not the issue for the readings. This is referred to as cosine angle. If the angle is too large, the reading is incorrect. Try to keep this angle in 5 degrees to not cause an issue. To ensure that the viewing angle is accurate, direct the sign to point it at the center of the lane to have the farthest pick up.

  1. Select a free-flowing location

The ideal location for data collection with the radar speed display is where there is free flowing traffic on the road with no turnoffs or driveways. This location offers the best data of all. Turnoffs and entrances will skew the data usually lower. These lower speeds are then tend to be filtered when you are generating reports, but it is better to collect these readings and can be prevented through the location selection. As this is not always available, try your best to make the location as optimal as possible.

  1. Adjust the sensitivity

Radar speed displays tend to pick up on the approaching vehicles from 100 to 1000 feet away on the basis of the sensitivity level of the radar detection. But you would also want to give approaching drivers an ample amount of time to notice the sign and react so looking for the right level surely takes some experimentation. This sign will always pick up a box truck at a distance further away than a motorbike, however, the sensitivity does offer you the ability to eliminate or increase the relative distance. Traffic Logix suggest you to drive past the sign yourself a few times to have an experience and adjust the sensitivity on the basis of the same.

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