Make your life easier with these 5 technical devices hacks


The technology of this era is magnificent. It can take you to the places. Moreover, it is the biggest industry to invest in for the world. Every, year different countries from the different part of the world invent or manufacture the technological devices and gadgets which make our lives easy and the website design company design the websites for these devices for further information about these devices. Due to this, we are surrounded and using these devices in every second of our lives. These companies are doing their best to make your lives easier. However, there are few things too through which you can make your life easier too.

Every device and gadget come with a manual through which you can use that device for a particular function. However, by using common sense and a little bit of intelligence, you can use that device for other purposes too which in the world of writing we called “hacks”. In the next lines of this article, I am going to tell you five technology hacks that can make your life easier.

  1. Use a Ruler as your mobile wallpaper:

Those who are related to the jobs in which they have to take different measurements like engineers or the tailors, this hack is for them. We all own a smartphone. These smartphones are so much indulged in our lives that we never appreciate the fact that how brilliant wonder of technology is that. It can use for many purposes including this. Instead of keeping any ruler in your pocket, just make a ruler as your wallpaper without stretching or fitting it to the screen and take all the measurements with the help of it.

  1. Wallet as your smartphone stand:

This is one is for the very specific people. However, can be used for different purposes. Not everyone can keep a smartphone stand with him. That is why in need of it, we either use our hands or find any place where we can put our smartphone and can do the desired action. But after knowing this hack, you would not have to find any place for that. Instead of searching for any place to stand your mobile, use your wallet as your smartphone stand. Open your wallet and place it like a boomerang and your phone can stably rest on that.t

  1. A Macro lens for your mobile camera without any cost:

A macro lens is a lens which can magnify the things for your camera. For example, if you have to click a picture or shoot any small thing which cannot be shot with the regular camera of your phone, then you can use the macro lens for that. However, the macro lenses are only available for the professional cameras. But there is a hack for it. If you have any used laser pointer around your house or office, then break it open, and you will find a lens inside it. Now, prop the lens in the hairpin and place it on the camera lens of your phone and hold it by using the scotch tape. Your Macro camera is ready.

  1. The easiest way to test a colored printer:

There is a quick and easy hack. Want to test either all the colors of your printer are working fine or not? Instead of downloading any test print picture from the internet, just print the home screen of the Google and the colors of the logo will tell you either the printer is working fine or not.

  1. Google Translate is a proxy:

This hack is not for any technical device, but you can count it as a bonus one because you everyone will relate to this issue. The schools, colleges, universities and the office places block certain websites on their server for different reasons. However, you can still use it. Just write the URL in the Google Translate and translate it into English. Now copy paste the result in the URL section of the browser and the site will open. However these only work with the HTTP sites.

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