What are Proxy Sites and why they are used


As far as proxy sites are concerned, they are quite similar to that of search engines and they help the users to hide their original IP address. These websites are quite easy to access. When a particular website is being visited using a proxy, in that case, the website cannot able to trace the original location of the user, because the proxy server hides the original location and makes it look that the user is accessing the website from somewhere else. There are many free proxy sites that are available over the internet

When it comes to the web proxies, the basically acts a shield between the website that’s being visited and the user. When a particular website is being visited through a proxy server, the website registers an IP address against the system that is accessing that particular website. However, that is not the original IP because all the web traffics between the web server and the computer trying to access that site is being passed through the proxy server.

Categories of Proxy Servers

Usually, proxy servers can be classified into 3 categories, they are:

  • Forward: This type is categorized as a standard proxy server. When it comes to the forward proxies, they act as an intermediary between a wider network and the computer
  • Reverse: When it comes to the reverse proxies, they act as intermediaries between the group of smaller servers and the web. For instance, a reverse proxy can be used as a gateway between the LAN network of a corporate and the internet
  • Open: Open Proxies, which are also known as “public proxies” can be accessed by anyone over the internet. The services of these proxies can be availed without any charge. These are the free proxy sites

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Benefits of using Proxy Servers

There are quite a few benefits that can be derived from using a proxy server. Here are some of them

  • Hide IP Address: Like a VPN, proxy server helps to hide the original IP of a system and assigns a separate IP, which is not real
  • Access blocked sites: The fact that the original IP address gets hidden, the server cannot prevent the user from accessing a particular website that has been blocked
  • Reduced Load Time: The load time of the websites can be reduced considerably with the help of proxy servers

Apart from these, there are various other benefits that proxy servers have to offer. The proxy servers are very useful when it comes to maintaining the anonymity of the users

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