The Tenements Of A Successful Marketing Campaign


Marketing has been around for all millennia, at some point in history there has always been a need to push product.  From the merchants in Mesopotamia to the carnival barkers selling dubious formulas to improve your health in the late 1800’s to the modern day, marketing has always been there in use.  In today’s age, we have a lot of distractions out there from constant information overload from media, news outlets, and newspapers to the internet and the wide world of different sites and forums.

So how do you cut through all of this clutter?  How can you reach your clientele with all of this noise that proliferates the din?  You utilize a marketing campaign that not only reaches your clients and potentials, but it’s a campaign that can be repeatable and solid.  We’ll look at some touchstones of a successful marketing development campaign below and share tips to keep that campaign in place.

The Toolbox

Every good mechanic always carries a toolbox of tools that they need for the job, marketing is no different.  You need to cultivate and use the tools that will do the job and do it consistently.  There are many tools out there that can help your marketing campaign.  Most are available online, such as Google Analytics and management software for small businesses.  You can gauge how each marketing push does in terms of customer reaction and page views on your website.  With these tools, you can repeat the techniques that have worked in the past and not repeat the ones that flopped.

Creating An Informational Database

This dovetails neatly with the Toolbox above in terms of data collection and repeat performance.  It also entails keeping meticulous records on your clients and potential new ones.  You can keep track of what each customer likes and cater to those likes and dislikes in your marketing campaign.  You can also keep a central database of all of this information that can be freely shared between your team members.  This way, all the information can be easily accessed and assimilated if need be.  Using a cloud-based database as part of your toolbox would be ideal in this situation, having all the access you need no matter what device (smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.) you have in the field.

Utilizing The Power Of The Web

This carries on from the cloud utilization from above with more tools that you can use at your disposal.  The Internet and the ever-changing landscape of improved technology have made things even easier from a marketing standpoint.  You can put up webinars on YouTube or any other streaming video service to get the word out.  That’s just a small sample of the multitude of things available for use.

Be More Customer-centric

You should always be focused on the needs of your client base as that’s the most important tenement of business to adhere to.  You could have the greatest product in the world to push and engage your clients with, but if the customer relations and service is horrible, you won’t have repeat business.  Even worse, they’ll tell others about their bad experience, this is word-of-mouth advertising that you don’t want to experience.

Tighten Up The Playbook

Once you’ve used all the points above and have a core set of techniques and approaches that work, keep them tight.  Don’t veer away from your proven playbook, tighten up your system and adhere to it religiously.  The old adage “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” definitely applies here.  You can try new ways of doing things as new trends and technological improvements happen but never stray too far from what has been proven to work.


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