The Perfect Readability of PDF and the Convertion


The abbreviations PDF correspond to the English expression Portable File Document (“file of portable document”). As its name implies, it is a data format that can be used to describe documents. Adobe, the firm that developed the PDF, commercializes programs capable of creating, editing and viewing files in PDF format.

Since the specifications of this file format are publicly available, many companies have developed their own programs to use PDFs. In the field of prepress, the PDF format is increasingly used to exchange information between different applications. Now that you can covert epub to pdf  so you can have the best deal here.

The PDF format can be used to:

Create electronic documents The PDFs are the closest there is to the idea of ​​”the paperless office”.

Exchange data More and more applications can read PDF files. It is increasingly common to exchange ads in PDF format.

Archive data

There are programs in the market that allow indexing PDF files in order to create an electronic library of PDF files.

Create interactive documents. PDF files can be used as electronic forms in which the data that is entered can be stored in a database.

What a PDF file looks like

PDF files usually have the extension .PDF. On Macintosh computers, this is not necessary, but since PDFs are easily interchangeable between different platforms, it is a good idea to always use files with an extension.

Icon of an Acrobat document

Although they have an icon with this aspect, neither in Windows nor in Macintosh you will see any icon if you do not have an application that can read PDF files. Today, most systems bring some application that has a visualizer capable of displaying PDF Converter files.

How PDF files are opened

The easiest way to view PDF files is to download the free PDF reader called “Acrobat Reader” from the Adobe site. This reader is usually found in most of the CDROMs that are delivered with the most usual informatics magazines.

What are the advantages of PDF

The PDF format has some very remarkable peculiarities:

It is a multiplatform standard. This means that if someone creates a PDF file on a UNIX workstation, it can be opened on a Macintosh or Windows computer and still look the same as it was created.

PDF files can be independent of the device. This means that a PDF can be printed on a cheap inkjet printer and on a very expensive film camera. This does not mean that the output is optimized for each device. That depends a lot on how the PDF file was created.

The PDF files are compact. The format includes a series of complex and advanced compression algorithms and an ingenious file structure that reduces the size of PDFs to a minimum.

PDFs can contain multimedia elements (videos or sound) and hypertext elements (links and bookmarks), links to email addresses and small thumbnails of the different pages.

The PDF format is capable of being secure. The person who creates the PDF can assign to the file some security options that make it impossible to open the file without a password, prevent any changes, prevent printing, and similar things.

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