Top 5 Best Remote working practices in the era of corona virus epidemic


Because of this global pandemic of corona virus or covid 19,  everyone is facing the same plight of the world’s largest experiment. Many people have also faced job losses, salary deductions and pay cuts. However, others feel that it is a blessing to be able to work from home on a virtual platform while practicing social distancing. Of course the digital platform was there earlier but now it has become the norm rather than an exception. So the main focus should be on the best ways to carry out the digital operation in the current times.

  1. The distant safety measures can be observed

The digital set up of a work station is no cakewalk. There can be data thefts and privacy intrusions. So every employee attendance and work shifts should be earmarked digitally for this purpose. They should use a common software for communication and also have webinars and net meetings for this purpose. The employee tracking is very necessary from remote locations.

  1. Communication and correspondence

The team leader in particular has to have a specialized digital skill for this purpose. Many employees may not be used to the digital way of working. So it is very important to have a communication strategy for this purpose. There are tools like Zoom, Google Hangout and Telegram for the employees to connect and have weekly webinars. The most important thing is the mental wellbeing of the people so it is important for the colleagues to stay connected to avoid feeling lonely.

  1. Worker tracking and company profit margins

The remote employee tracking software also take pride in boosting productivity of the company by cutting down on losses or slacking employees. So it is also important to keep a check on the many kinds of anxiety and mental issues the employees may be having by installing a UEBA which is the user and entity behavior analytics. But of course this has to be assessed carefully so as not to downplay the employee morale.

  1. Sharing good will among colleagues

An online platform can give rise to differences between co-workers so it is very important to share colleague good will among the employees.  This has to be done to avoid emotional issues and conflicts. So reaching out to the team members on a personal level also can be done along with the kinds of differences in issues sorting out.

  1. Appraisals

The online appraisals are the toughest to be done. But it is very necessary if you are to bring out the best in each of your employees and enhance the company productivity.   So having a regular check up of the company is very essential in order to enhance the employee records.

The work examiner is to keep the monitoring employees working from home. So these are some of the ways by which you can keep a check on the employee records and boost your company progress.

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