Top Ways to Optimize a Website for Voice Search


With the hurricane rise in smartphone sales, there has been a massive change in the search scenario as well. When it comes to searches, we are rapidly moving over into the voice search domain. In the e-commerce world, to stay in tune with the changing scenario, you need to stay optimized and ready at all times. If you don’t wish to miss a share of the market, however small, you need to understand the basic economics of the market and the limited customer base that the world has.

To gain an edge over your competition, you need to optimize the voice search of your website, especially for wearable technology, because these devices are more operable by voice than text.

Target questions

Over time we have come to know from searches across Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa, etc., that voice searches are mostly direct questions. So, to be in line with the users’ requirements, create content that is in keeping with your audience’s questions.

Get listed

Get yourself listed online so that any voice search easily finds you. This becomes more important, especially for local searches. So, unless your website is listed online, these voice searches cannot display your entity. Unlike text searches that display all kinds of listings and content, voice searches tend to show business listings first. This is one way to make sure your website is optimized for voice search. Hire the top website design company to make sure this happens.

Plan of action

Adapting to current and future voice searches is a great way to stay up-to-date with the increasing voice-search requirements. Develop a strategy that evaluates all relevant keywords, your existing and future content requisites. These will help you produce new content.

User experience

While Search Engine Results Pages display a plethora of content, Voice Search protocols focus primarily on a single website for queries. Ensuring that the voice assistant can query and provide all the necessary info will also ensure more quality user engagement on your website. For a great user experience, you need to optimize your site so that it uses at least HTTPS secure protocols; it is extremely fast and mobile, and technology-friendly. To get the best user experience, hire a top website design company.

Optimize search

Once your localization (local content and local listing) work is done, it is imperative that you optimize your site content and listing for any local search. Voice searches mostly target local places for the query. That makes the output far more specific as well.

Create voice-search-friendly content

It is good to create content that makes the user feel like they are in a normal conversation. The content must also be easy to read. The content must be written in K-10 standard so that the voice assistant can read the content lucidly.

Create more content

Voice searches are mostly for local content. So one way to make your website more optimized for voice search and wearable technology is to create relevant content and provide to local needs. Another way to ensure more traffic is to create a lot of local content even if you aren’t at the location – a tactic is being used more often now.

Research keywords

Since your target audience will use voice search in place of keywords, you must use longer keywords and phrases. It will also fulfill the nature of human communication. Voice-first is a domain that doesn’t focus on results. Rather it directs you to the product’s action.

Voice-first is the next big thing in the online search business. Just regular SEO tactics won’t be enough for businesses to stay abreast with the changing times. Businesses will need to implement far better voice search SEO as well. Only then can they ensure a share of this limited pie called customer base. Hire a renowned web development company in India and get the best optimization.

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