Types and Benefits of Printed Circuit Boards

A printed Circuit Board (PCB) provides mechanical support to electronic devices and acts as a pathway to the electronic components. A combination of non-conductive different sheets such as plastic and fibreglass makes the printed circuit boards. The printed circuit board is also known as the etched wiring board (EWB) or printed wiring board (PWB). PCB has components that act like capacitors, resistors, transistors and integrated circuits connected to make simple and complex products such as doorbell and computer, respectively.
Types of printed circuit boards
A PCB type is determined by the number of substrate layers to the metal used. The three commonly known PCBs include:
Single sides printed circuit boards
These are basic PCBs that contain only one substrate and copper or any metal layer. Their conductors are on the surface of the dielectric base. Mostly, they are used as simple circuits such as electronic toys and sensors. For more detailed info, take a look at https://www.avanticircuits.com/printed-circuit-boards-an-overview/.
Double side Printed circuit boards.
These PCBs have both substrate sides covered by a metal layer. Holes drilled in the board allow all parts to attach and interconnect to the plates successfully. Double sides’ printed circuit boards are commonly used in many applications such as amplifiers and mobile phones.
Multi-layer Printed circuit boards
Multi-layer printed circuit boards have more than two layers of copper. Multiple layers of substrate and insulating materials separate the segments. The layers are interconnected plated through holes (PTH) and pads.
PCB benefits
PCBs are the most commonly used; however, there are multiple alternatives such as point to point construction and breadboards. The primary reason why PCB is used is that they are simple to use besides having several advantages. Some of the benefits of PCB include:
Compact in size and save wires
Ideally, PCB holds several components. The components can be small in size, therefore, making it possible to interconnect them. PCB help to connect the parts using copper tracks and not wires. This makes it easier to save cables and hold small components correctly. Besides, many components can be fitted to small circuits, making them compact. Without a doubt, large circuit designs and complicated circuits are potentially designed into compact forms, therefore, saving space.
Easy reparation
PCB is pretty easy to repair; therefore, no worry when not correctly functioning. For this reason, it becomes easy to check and repair them as the polarities are labelled using silkscreen. This is convenient not only when building but also the reparation process.
PCB is no doubt reliable in the production and building process as they are stringently checked of any possible errors. The procedure is automated in entirety, therefore, making the end product reliable.
Computerized systems make PCBs, therefore, saving the schematic layout for reusing is feasible. Several identical batches can be made at once saving resources and time.
Overall, printed circuit boards are proven electronic components based on their benefits. Each type is determined by the number of substrate components interconnected. They are available in single, double-sided and multiple layer PCBs.