What is the use of the life support products during medical emergency?


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The life support products like the ventilation equipment integrate both engineering excellence and also field experience. This is a ventilator that is both lightweight and also durable. This is very much essential especial during medical emergency.

Use of the life support products

The autovent 3000 meets the American heart standard as far as ventilators are considered. They are automatic ventilators that utilise the state of art pneumatics. The users are therefore assured reliable and constant flow capabilities. It is time cycled and can be monitored at a glance. They are also adjusted quickly which is a great advantage. They can be used with masks that have a standard resuscilation. They also have standard endotracheal as well as tracheostomy tubes. It is said to be complete if it has:

  • patient circuit
  • Patient valve
  • Oxygen hose
  • Manual
  • And a one year warranty.

This is a device that was first designed especially for the EMS professionals. The autovent 3000 ventilator has additional inspiratory time settings. This offers a

  • Wide range of applications that will be able to meet emergency care situations. This is designed to meet the needs of ventilation ranging from intra and also inter hospital hospitals to quite sophisticated air rescue.
  • This is considered to be one of the preferred equipment. That will provide ventilator support especially in pre hospital setting.

They are models of ventilation circuits that can be used for single patient. This is a way to give added protection against the cross contamination of the patient. It is accompanied by a proven LSP valve for the patient. It has a special visual breath that is bright green coloured as an indicator. This has a built in audible pressure alarm and is mandatory ventilation that provides gas flow. This is mainly used for spontaneous breathing patients.

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