What Areas of Knowledge are Associated with Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence has concerned people worldwide since time. Several philosophies and myths have been circulated throughout the ages having qualities resembling humans. These artificial entities have been believed to resemble humans in reasoning, thinking, and intelligence.

AI or Artificial Intelligence has been a branch of computer science related to the study and the design of intelligent machines. The term artificial intelligence has been best defined as the science of developing intelligent machines.

The development of electronic computers in the early 40s made this concept and domain popular with people as artificial intelligence. It has been associated with the development of intelligent machines resembling humans. To be more precise, the intelligent Servisbot ai bots developed would encompass qualities similar to human beings.

Fields related to artificial intelligence

Several fields have been related to artificial intelligence. The extremely vital fields of knowledge have been psychology, mathematics, logic, philosophy, social sciences, engineering, computer sciences, and cognitive sciences. These wide fields of knowledge have been closely related and essential to AI. These specific fields and sciences have been deemed imperative for contributing towards the creation of intelligent machines resembling humans.

Application areas of artificial intelligence

The application areas of artificial intelligence have been very different. Most of the application areas have been listed below –

  • Expert systems
  • Scheduling
  • Computer vision
  • Image understanding
  • Image recognition
  • Natural language processing
  • Logic programming
  • Knowledge reasoning and representation
  • Planning
  • Learning systems
  • Soft computing
  • Robotics

The list is endless. The arena of artificial intelligence has gained huge popularity since its inception. Several researchers have achieved success in developing intelligent machines competent of partially doing what humans could do.

Problems encountered by researchers

Researchers have previously encountered and continue to encounter various problems in motivating human intelligence. An intelligent machine should have numerous characteristics and should correspond to a few specific standards. A good example would be humans solving an issue quickly by using judgments that are more intuitive than being conscious.

Yet another vital aspect researchers have significantly analyzed was the knowledge representation. It refers to the knowledge about the world that intelligent machines should have for solving various kinds of problems inclusive of properties of objects, categories of objects, relations between objects, situations, circumstances, relations between causes and effects, and more.

The biggest challenge for researchers in the arena of artificial intelligence would refer to intelligent machines competent in planning the problems that required a suitable solution. It would also be imperative to set numerous goals to achieve, be competent to decide and predict actions, having the ability to learn and understand human languages, and display emotions. It should also be competent to predict and understand the behavior of others.

Different types of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence could be divided into two categories –

  • Narrow AI
  • General AI

Narrow AI is weaker, as it is specific task-oriented. On the other hand, General AI is deemed strong, as it could perform numerous tasks.

Narrow AI

This type of Artificial Intelligence could only perform a specific task given or taught to the system. They would not be able to do anything more than what has been specified.

General AI

It could perform various types of tasks that a human could do. It would make the most of intelligence similar to humans for solving several problems ranging from simple to highly skilled tasks inclusive of reasoning based on the gathered information or data.

To sum it up

AI has been an immensely challenging and vast arena of knowledge. It poses several questions and generates numerous controversies along with solving many problems confronted by technology and industry of the present times. It might offer many answers in the future.

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