Your Home Security Camera Is Not Just Filming Thieves Anymore



Do you know how many burglary cases are in the USA every day? More than 9000. It means that every 10 seconds another crime is committed. Read the stats about these crimes here.

A lot of these cases are involving firearms and kills. People are invading homes and killing people to take their belongings. Knowing this gives you a clear idea of why you must have a top of the line security system at your home.

However, surveillance tools are not just a way to get protected by thieves anymore. They are much more than just this. They are now doing so many tasks that they are finally earning that name security cameras in their full meaning.

Burglars are not the only thing that might invade your well-being at home, right? There are dangers to make your life miserable for a period of time on every corner. We’re talking about things like natural disasters, health issues and everything you can think of that might do a problem to you and your family.

If you want to know about all the cool things today’s security systems can do, read what we have to say in the following. You’ll be amazed by how far technology has gone. But if you’re putting together a security team and require guns, guns of all types, or you simply wish to purchase AR-15 magazines for your rifle, do visit today.

Still doing its primary job

We have to mention the primary role of the CCTV relays, of course. Their primary job, keeping thieves away and capturing their movement and faces on the video is still the number one job they must do because this is the biggest problem of every home.

The catch here is that now they can do so much more than before. There’s night vision that requires no light at all and there’s the ability to capture movement even if there’s no clear vision on it. Today’s surveillance can see things the naked eye is unable to see.

AI is now recognizing tools and faces

With tools like this and the rise of the internet, scientists and tech geeks have managed to make a combination that is doing wonders. The artificial intelligence developed to serve the surveillance systems can now recognize faces and dangerous items.

For example, before someone enters your home, the camera can track the focus points on their face and run through a database trying to find anything that the homeowner should know about. This is amazing for public properties and company offices, but it’s great for private entities too.

Also, the cameras can now recognize automatically weapons that can harm you and the people around you. Guns and knives are now being recognized by them and the system can instantly inform the owner and the security. See some of these cool stuff on

This allows you to act before anything happens. This can actually save lives and prevent crimes which what everyone aims for. It’s true that crimes will never stop, but it’s our job as a society to put this number to a lower limit as possible.

Focused on the inside

Just like we said in the beginning, today’s surveillance is now becoming focused more on the inside of the home rather than the outside. The reason for this is because research showed that it’s a bigger threat for you and your family the accidents happening inside than the people trying to harm you from the outside.

Now, the cameras can detect unusual movement in the home. Imagine that, huh? If someone falls down the stairs, the AI will recognize this and alarm the rest of the family or the person named as responsible. If someone suffers a stroke and becomes immobile for some time, the same thing will happen to make the chances for survival much greater for people living alone.

All this is something that is saving lives daily. Every year, almost 800.000 people suffer strokes in the USA. Can you imagine how many of these situations are happening while no one is watching? The stroke is a condition that prevents the patients call anyone. They become trapped by the condition. The camera can solve this problem in a matter of seconds. See some more stats on this at the link:

It’s an alarm for everything that happens in your home

Health issues are not the only thing that will be prevented. Broken pipes and leakages, fires, smoke, all this can also be prevented in time thanks to the surveillance system. The camera installed in the middle of the room tracks down everything that happens inside and reacts accordingly.

These things can easily destroy your place in minutes if no reacts right away. Imagine you being at work and no one is at home. A water pipe breaks off and the house starts flooding. If no one comes within a minute to turn the water off, it will make so much damage that your home might be completely ruined.


As you can see, technology is now just like the things we used to watch in science fiction movies. The only thing they still can’t do is teleportation. Who knows, maybe this will come sometime in the future.

Today, we can completely relax and feel safe because the surveillance systems are guarding our home and take care of the loved ones in our lives. The only thing we need to do is find the best option and install it in the perfect locations in and around it.

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